I’m Back

Hey guys.

As many of you may know, I have been on hiatus for the majority of February due to the passing of a family member of mine. During my break from translating I got myself together, relaxed, grieved, and came to terms with things, and so I’ll be back with new chapters on the first week of March.

Also, I’d like to thank all of you guys who left such incredibly kind comments for me. I had never expected that it would garner such a response, those helped me way more than you guys could imagine. You guys are probably the kindest readers ever and I’d like to say thank you form the bottom of heart :).

But thanks aside, look forward to March, because Tan Mo and Qiao Lan will be back.

Lots of Love,


20 thoughts on “I’m Back

  1. Glad you took the time to grieve and be with family! The process is never over, it just gets easier. Take it a day at a time. Sometimes you’ll find one day harder than the other but it’s ok. It’s natural. The trick is to find something that is distracting and cathartic those days until the slump passes. You got this.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh my!! I was off because of work😩. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sorry to catch up only now. I feel you those days many people around me lost their life. I miss the words. I send you all my tenderness and deepest condolences.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Kaelyn! How have you been? We always hope for the best things for you. Stand strong and live life for your grandmother. Take care of yourself and we’re here for you. Looking forward to the March updates! In the meantime, I’ll reread haha.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. You’re gonna be back! Yay! Not only have I missed this novel, I’ve also missed reading your comments at the beginning of each chapter! I hope you’re in a better state these coming months… I know grieving is hard. But you can do it.

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  5. your hiatus is understandable. i understand how you feel since my grandma just died a couple days ago. im still grieving and i dont think i’ve really accepted it yet. good to know that you’re back! 🙂

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  6. Take as many days of hiatus as you want. Us,readers will completely understand. Even if it’s a month or two, it’s not a bother. The most important thing is for you to get better soon!


  7. My heart goes out to you. Than you for being such an amazing translator and wonderful person. I know your grandma would be proud of you.

    Don’t forget to eat good things and know you are loved.

    Welcome back!


  8. Oh my god! I didn’t know 😫I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you are well right now. I really like your translations and can’t wait for your many more translations. Thank you for writing such amazing translation. Please come back soon as I am craving for your translations ☺️☺️☺️

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